RESERVAS: +51 998 174 424
English Version: Estrella del Norte
English Version: Estrella del Sur
From Lima
Arriving to Piura : Take a taxi for approximately two and a half hours to Vichayito.
Arriving to Talara : Take a taxi for approximately one hour to Vichayito.
Arriving to Tumbes: Take a taxi for approximately one and a half hours. (or two)
Bus or Car
You can travel by bus from Lima. It takes approximately 18 to 20 hours. It normally departs Lima in the afternoon so you will arrive to Organos or Mancora town by morning on the next day.
There is a variety of buses you can choose from.
You may also rent a car to be able to travel around and visit other beaches near by. (Specially if you would like to surf)
You may rent a car in Lima and visit other cities and tourist attractions on the way to Vichayito.
Taking a taxi from the airport
Los taxis se pueden tomar al llegar al aeropuerto pero también recomendamos contactarnos para poder recomendar un taxista de confianza.
Las tarifas pueden variar desde 100 hasta 250 soles dependiendo del punto de partida.